Duke Chapel standing over campus building

Category: Design

Other Guides and Resources

Units around campus have created guides specific to their school, institute or department. These sub/co-brands capitalize on the cache of the primary Duke brand through sharing color, fonts or tone but are tailored to suit the needs to the independent units. Additional guides for these units are listed below:

Duke Health Brand Center

School of Medicine Branding and Identity Guide

Nicholas School of the Environment Style Guide (netid required)

Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Style Guide

Fuqua Media Guides

Sanford School of Public Policy Style Guide (netid required)

Working with Vendors

The abundance of work across Duke can’t be met by the in-house resources alone. We utilize vendors from around the area including some in other areas of the country and abroad. The following guidelines have been developed to streamline the process of working with external vendors.

Business Cards and Stationery

Business Cards, Stationery and Letterhead

Business Cards, stationery and letterhead are handled though our online service through Universal Printing. Templates for business card use have been established and are available for purchase.

A Duke university business card sample

** We will be updating business card design options in early 2019.

Powerpoint & Letterhead

PowerPoint Slide Templates

Duke offers a number of branded Powerpoint themes in light and dark variants for you to use to create both internal and external presentations. Additionally, the backgrounds are available for download before for use in other applications as well, such as Prezi, Keynote, etc.

Download All Background Images

Word Templates with Letterhead

Basic Word templates are available for university letterhead. If creating your own, please reference Duke’s branding guidelines when creating your own.

Download University Letterhead (Word)

The Duke Brand

Sticky post

To maintain and strengthen its brand, which is among its most valuable assets, Duke has developed a set of identity graphics and standards for its print and online communications. It promotes the clear and consistent use of these standards across the university, thereby reinforcing Duke’s identity as a global, interdisciplinary university whose schools and units work together on behalf of a common mission. The standards extend to the use of wordmarks, logos, signature colors, type fonts and other matters that affect Duke’s visual identity.

Please visit the university brand site for more detail.

Temporary Sign Standards

The following guidelines establish a consistent and clutter-free campus environment while allowing operations to continue as effectively and efficiently as possible.

For temporary signs proposed for an extended period of time to mitigate rerouting of pedestrian paths due to construction, Facilities Management must be provided with a plan showing proposed locations of signs, sign messages, and sample graphics for review and approval, prior to installation of signs.

Any non-compliant signs found on campus will be removed by Facilities Management Department (z). Periodic deviations from the standards are to be expected on occasion and may be approved beforehand for short-term use by Facilities Management.

Certain days or periods of time — such as Commencement, BOT weekends, etc.— may be dedicated as “non clutter times” when all but those signs deemed essential will be allowed. A calendar and detailed procedures will be created for regular times and all other dates and times.

Sign Type 30 – Temporary A-Frame Sign

To be used for promotion and wayfinding for special events and commercial or dining venues.


Signicade® Deluxe double sided A-Frame sign structure with exterior grade digital print sign panels. Sign panel on one or both sides as needed.

Panel Size

2′-0″w x 3′-0″h


Adobe Garamond Type Family Interstate Type Family

Use of any other proprietary fonts must be approved by Campus Landscape Architect.


A-Frame Structure: Black

Panel: Duke University Navy Blue (Pantone 280C)

Copy, graphics: White

Duke Logo: White

Other Logos: White or Full Color

White background with dark blue letters are permitted for traffic control messages for special events only.


Direct exterior-grade digital print on 1/8 in thk. PVC panel or other rigid substrate (3/16 in. thk. max.).

Signage Policy

  • Traffic control signs for special events 
may be put up immediately prior to the event and must be removed at completion.
  • Signs may not be placed on lawns or shrub areas.
  • Signs may not restrict access to sidewalks, building entrances or accessible entrance ramps.
  • Signs promoting events (including parking reservation signs) may not be displayed longer than one week.
  • Only one sign is permitted for each commercial or dining venue.
  • Signs may only be secured to sign posts, not to trees or light poles.
  • Dark blue vinyl coated chains are required for securing the sign.
  • Signs must be maintained by sponsoring group.

Sign Type 31 – Temporary Yard Sign

To be used for promotion and wayfinding for special events and commercial or dining venues.


Standard metal sign frame with exterior grade digital print on corrugated plastic sign panel. Message on one or both sides as needed.

Panel Size

2′-0″w x 1′-6″h


Adobe Garamond Type Family Interstate Type Family

Use of any other proprietary fonts must be approved by Campus Landscape Architect.


Panel: Duke University Navy Blue (Pantone 280C)

Copy, graphics: White

Border Line: White

Duke Logo: White

Other Logos: White or Full Color


Exterior-grade digital print on 4mm Coroplast ® corrugated plastic.

Signage Policy

  • No yard signs are allowed on West Campus Quad or East Campus Quad.
  • Each user group promoting events or actions (i.e. Parking and Transportation Services, Office of Student Affairs, including all student groups, Duke Camps, etc…) are permitted only 10 yard signs at any one time across campus.
  • Signs may not advertise events for longer than one week prior to event and must be removed immediately following the event.
  • Each user group promoting commercial ventures (i.e. Duke Stores and Duke Dining) are permitted only 10 signs at any one time across campus (10 per group and not 10 per venue).
  • Signs on lawns will be removed when the lawn is mowed regardless of how long it has been there.
  • The organization or persons sponsoring the activity on the sign must be identified.
  • If the sponsor is not identified on the sign, you must receive approval the from Facilities Management Department within 24 hours
of installation.

Campus Banners

The university community takes great pride in the appearance of the campus. The presence of too many banners can distract from the clean aesthetic that is the brand. The University balances the need to draw attention to school and center special events with the need to preserve the beauty and serenity of our campus. Therefore, to the greatest extent possible, the hanging of banners should be limited to the approved banner locations noted below. The hanging of banners on buildings or structures related to buildings is not encouraged but will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

General Banner Requirements for Approval:

  • Banners must be in good taste, clean, neat, have correct grammar, and contain no commercial content.
  • Groups displaying banners must be recognized campus organizations or departments.
  • No banners may be attached to university buildings without permission from the Office of the Executive Vice President.
  • Banner designs must be approved by University Communications – Digital and Brand Strategy and can be hung for a period of two weeks unless otherwise permitted.
  • Banners are created in 2x3ft or 2x6ft formats.

Download Banner Templates (3.5MB Zip file)

Approval for banners on Chapel and Campus Drive:

  • Permission for banners along Chapel Drive and Campus Drive must be obtained through University Communications – Digital and Brand Strategy.
  • You must submit a draft of your proposed banner to the UC and allow 5 days for review.
  • Facilities Management will handle the printing and installation of banners and they must be contacted at least 10 business days in advance of the printing and installation date.

Approval for hanging banners in Bryan Center Plaza:

  • Permission must be obtained through the Event Services Office (ucae.duke.edu).

Examples of the campus banner designs

Trademark & Licensing

Duke University has a long-standing policy of protecting the symbols that are associated with its name and reputation as one of the finest universities in the country. Duke owns and controls its name(s) and other marks, logos, images, insignias, seal, designs and symbols (hereafter, “trademarks”) that have become associated with the institution.

Duke University requires that all individuals, organizations, departments, and companies, both internal and external obtain prior approval from Duke’s Office of Trademark Licensing before using the trademarks of Duke University for any purpose including, but not limited to, use of the trademarks for products, services, advertising, etc. The Office of Trademark Licensing governs the guidelines and procedures related to the use of Duke’s trademarks to protects their integrity and ensure appropriate use and is overseen by the Director of Trademark Licensing.

Unauthorized use of Duke trademarks is subject to civil and criminal penalties. Duke reserves the right to take appropriate action when confronted with unauthorized use of its trademarks. Such actions may include confiscation of the goods, financial penalties, and legal action.

Other Recognizable Graphics and Restrictions

Athletics Graphic Identity

The Iron Duke DDuke Athletics maintains a distinctive graphic mark, commonly referred to as “The Iron Duke D.” The single block D is used for athletics teams and donors. The Athletics identity system should only be associated with student/athletic entities and never used for academic or administrative content in any media.

The University Seal

The Duke University sealThe University Seal is a legal “signature” for the university and is only used on diplomas and other official documents. Any use of the seal must be approved by the Office of the University Secretary.

The University Emblem

The Duke University CrestThe University Emblem is only available for use by the Board of Trustees, the Office of the President and special university ceremonies. It may not be used by any other group or function without special approval from the Board of Trustees.

The University Shield

The Duke University ShieldThe University Shield was decommissioned in 2009. Though still in use across merchandise within University Stores, the shield is now a legacy icon and may not be used as part of the modern Duke brand.

Print Media at Duke



The Duke University wordmark melds the words “Duke” and “University” with a specific font treatment, creating a recognizable wordmark. This wordmark or logo is used on stationery, business cards and letterhead. You may also use the wordmark in other print materials such as brochures, newsletters, bulletins and ads. Do not use the wordmark in conjunction with a graphic.

The University shield is not available for download, and its use is restricted to official Duke University business (such as diplomas) and the Office of the President. Please discontinue using the shield for anything but these purposes, as it is not sanctioned by the University. Other logos such as the large Duke D and the Blue Devil are used solely by Duke Athletics and are not available for download.


  1.  Illustrator format for wordmarks
    1. horizontal wordmark
    2. vertical wordmark
  2. 300dpi jpg format of wordmark
  3. 72dpi jpg format of wordmark

Print Procurement

In similar fashion to digital communications projects, print procurement printing projects, such as brochures, posters, newsletter, magazines, direct mail packages, etc. costing more than $5,000 and all repeating publications costing more than $5,000 annually, should be specified, bid and coordinated by the Duke Print Management team. For projects with a cost under this threshold, departments may request the assistance of print consultants, at their discretion.

You must bid design and printed materials separately. To learn more about the print management process please visit the Print Procurement site.

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